Social issues • 10 min read
A homeless man sitting in a nook in a street in Brighton.
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B Corp
Equality & human rights
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Identity & culture
Neo bookshelf
Neo studio
Purposeful business
Social issues
Ways of working
Workplace culture

Why we've been named a 'best for the world' B Corp

We've been recognised as a Best For The World™ B Corp, thanks to our commitment to people and the ways we choose to work together.


Our journey back to B Corp

In 2016 Neo became a founding B Corporation — or B Corp — joining a growing global community that uses business as a force for good. As we renew our social and environmental commitments, we ask our Nick (founding director) to reflect back on the journey, bumps and all, and share what we’ve learned along the way.


In conversation with... Karin Tenelius, co-founder, Tuff Leadership Training

Why creating simple, open, honest dialogue is essential to teams going through big change, like redefining their purpose and identity.

Identity & culture
Life Buoy

In conversation with… Jane Petit, CEO, Foothold

As demand for support surges amid the coronavirus crisis, is it time for benevolent funds to rethink their purpose? We speak to Foothold CEO Jane Petit.

Identity & culture
Winning hearts and minds must start from within charities – brand and culture – Neo

Want to change hearts and minds? Start with your own

A brand story is much stronger if it rings true within the organisation. So, if you want to connect better with your supporters, dare to start with yourselves.


How to create purposeful, lasting partnerships

Relationships are a big part of our work. Only with trust, openness and true collaboration can we begin to find what matters – then make it matter more.

Ways of working

Why pitching won't help you find the right partner

If we want our working partnerships to be truly rewarding, we need to rethink how they begin.

Ways of working

The eight principles of successful optimism

Inspired by Meaning 2017, we explore eight ideas on practical positivity – and measure ourselves against them.

Lightbulbs hanging at Plenty Cafe Brighton

Bring your whole self: March meetups

Come along to our free sessions in Brighton & London and explore what wholeness at work could mean for you.

Ways of working
Someone jumping from a cliff ledge into the sea, as part of a coasteering activity

What insurance should you lose?

A thought on the skills you have and the skills you should use.

Ways of working
Worksheet for Designing a Wiser Behaviour Change Campaign

Designing a wiser behaviour change campaign

We think identifying shared purpose among the groups we’re trying to influence is one of the most helpful ways to shape a powerful campaign.


Redesigning the paperclip

How re-exploring the everyday can bring us creative inspiration.

Ways of working